Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August 31 Health

Today we had an auction
It was super fun and we processed it afterwards as we talked about what is important to us.
How do we actually get some of these items for real?
We had a powerpoint on Goals and had discussions on what it takes to change a dream into a Goal

1. State the Goal
2. Set a date to accomplish it
3, Write it down
4. What are some obstacles
5. What talents and skills do I need to achieve this goal
6. Develop a support team. Who can help me achieve my goal?
7. Make a plan
8. Visualize
9. Get Busy!!

We watch a movie on Friday and next Wednesday your packet is due and we will have the test

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

August 30 Español Tres

We had our first Bienvenida and Culture Suitcase...both great!!!
Come prepared when you sign up!!!
You wrote 10 sentences about you and your likes and turned them in.
You were given a packet for homework.

There will be a quiz THursday on:
Which ones
Who all
How many
How much
To where

You my friend
You formal
You guys my friends
They all girls
You all formal

Also expresiones de la clase
Saludos y Despedidas

August 30 Español Dos

You had a sub today!!
You received a sheet with some fun expressions you can use in class!!
You also got a packet Spanish 2 Review and were told to finish it for class next time.
There will be quiz next time on:
Write the Spanish for:

Which ones
Who all
How many
How much
To where

You my friend
You formal
You guys my friends
They all girls
You all formal

Also expresiones de la clase
Saludos y Despedidas

Monday, August 29, 2016

August 29 Health

Decision Making

We took notes in our packets and you learned the 6 Steps to Decision Making
You got a test on Values to complete and return on Wednesday.

We will be discussing Goal Setting on Wednesday.
We will be watching the movie "Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken" on Friday
We will take the Intro Test (again) and Finishing the movie on Wednesday September 7th.

August 26 Español Tres

You signed up for Bienvenidas and Culture Suitcases and received Tiempo/Cuando and 3 Formulas homework.

August 26, Español Dos

Today you signed up to do Bienvenidas and Culture Suitcases

You also received the Tiempo/Cuando and 3 Formulas homework to assist you with your Bienvenida.

You received stamps for your Saludos y Despedidas and Expresiones de Clase assignments.

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Health Classes here is your sign in information

Short code 81010
Phone Number 385-282-4111

B5 send @34k4k
B7 send @g8bb7h
B8 send @d6g86e

BOTH disclosure documents are due!!
We talk about the Health Triangle today.
We find out how even your triangle is.
You draw What does " A Picture of Health" look like to  you?
We go over the PowerPoint and have a class discussion
You turn in your picture for participation points

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Español Tres

You turned in your disclosures today.
We practiced conversations with each other and you received two worksheets.

Saludos y Despedidas
Expresiones de clase
You will do the worksheets for homework.
Hopefully you have added on my Remind for your class and have looked at my quizlet page.

Espanõl Dos

Hola estudiantes!

Today you turned in your disclosures
You also took a pre-test on Common phrases en español.
Then you received several papers

Listening Log - we watched and listened to an introduction video
Saludo y Despedidas - worksheet
Expresiones de Clase - worksheet

La Tarea 0r the Homework is to complete this or go onto my quizlet and study these phrases.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


The first day of Health we:

  1. Got 2 disclosures, 1 for Health Class and the State Sex Ed disclosure. Both are due on Thursday.
  2. Watched Ashton Kutcher acceptance speech.
  3. Did a get-to-know you activity that you turned in for participation points.
  4. Took a pre-test for Intro to Health
  5. Got your Intro to Health Packet and did first journal entry: What did you learn today?

Español Tres

Today was the first day! I am trying to learn your names and we did a get to know you activity.
I handed out disclosures and they are due on Wednesday!
You also turned in the pink paper for participation points.
You also took home a pre-test for the entire year.
Bring it on Wednesday or it is for sure due by Friday.

Wednesday we will!

  1. Finish get-to-know you presentations
  2. Choose Spanish names
  3. Get stamps for disclosures turned in.
  4. Join Señoras Remind
  5. Watch short video
  6. Take Basic Phrase pre-test
  7. Learn basic phrases
  8. Practice basic phrases
  9. Learn classroom phrases
  10. Bingo classroom activity

Español Dos

Today was the first day! I am trying to learn your names and we did a get to know you activity.
I handed out disclosures and they are due on Wednesday!
You also turned in the pink paper for participation points.

Wednesday we will!

  1. Finish get-to-know you presentations
  2. Choose Spanish names
  3. Get stamps for disclosures turned in.
  4. Join Señoras Remind
  5. Watch short video
  6. Take Basic Phrase pre-test
  7. Learn basic phrases
  8. Practice basic phrases
  9. Learn classroom phrases
  10. Bingo classroom activity