Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Mental Health Extra Credit

If you find yourself low on points, you may watch "A Beautiful Mind" and write a 1 page paper about how it changed your opinion or perspective of mental illness for 25 points extra credit ! I have two copies that you may check out for 24 - 48 hours so as to allow other students to use them as well:)


You have a large assignment due by the end of the term March 9th or thereabouts. You are keeping a daily journal as you make deposits and withdrawals in One Particular relationship that you have chosen that needs some attention. You will write about the results of this conscious awareness and effort to make greater deposits and fewer withdrawals over the next few weeks.

You have a mini packet that has a worksheet that you have filled out and will attach to your paper as well as a Rubric for the assignment.

Health February 21, 2017

Sorry I have fallen behind!!

We have started our Social Health Unit. We have covered communication and healthy relationships.
The Healthy Relationship notes you kept on your own paper and stapled to the main notes. We discussed peer relationships last time and you watched a dr. seuss  movie called the sneetches (you can find it on youtube) as well as a music video put out by a Lone Peak Knight Sabrina Haskett called "The Cage".

When the sub was here last week you watched a Ted Talk about "faking it till you make it" by Amy Cuddy- Body Language and "power posing". You had a guided note page the sub gave you to fill out as you watched. Some of you tried it and emailed me with the results.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

el trece de febrero

We signed up for Valentine's Party on Friday.
Sub on Wednesday
Test on Wednesday on food and commands
Possible verb quiz #3b

Health February 14, 2017

We did speed dating
We filled out part of communication portion of powerpoint
Here it is

Sunday, February 12, 2017


Watch "A Beautiful Mind" and write and one page handwritten or one page double spaced typed paper on how it changed your perspective of Mental Health.

HEALTH Friday February 10, 2017

Today we took the Mental Health Unit Test
You are also turning in the Mental Health Packets worth 280 points which include:

  1. The green journal entry packet with notes for Stress, Stress Management and Mental Illness filled in
  2. Resiliency Quiz
  3. Suicide handout from Mr. Campbell
  4. Stigma paper both sides filled out
  5. Color Code Personality Test filled out and scored
  6. Feelings paper
  7. I am on the boss of my feelings paper
The Gratitude Assignment
  1. 2 page paper 12 point font containing information about how you felt about your article and how it related to your personal experience
  2. Article connecting Gratitude and Health
  3. Gratitude Journal entailing 15 entries of 5 things per day you were grateful for 
All DUE MONDAY by midnight digitally or Monday by 1:15 turned in to my classroom.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

español dos y tres

We had a HUGE competition and earned un montón de pesos!! (Sorry if you missed this class)
We will be turning in pesos next time.
I will bring goodies for the winners!!
It is my birthday on Thursday as well as a few of my Spanish students so a fun reason to celebrate!!

We will have verb quiz #2b on Thursday.

callar(se) 2 to quiet, silence ar
cambiar 2 to trade, change ar
cansar(se) 2 to tire ar
celebrar 2 to celebrate ar
compartir 2 to share ir
comprender 2 to understand er
concluir 2 to conclude, end ir
conducir 2 to drive ir
construir 2 to build, construct ir
copiar 2 to copy ar

Health February 8, 2017

Today we listened to a "Suicide Prevention" talk by our counselor Rod Campbell.
I handed out a resiliency test.
You are taking Mental Health Post Test
Turning in your Mental Health Packets all stapled together

  1. Original Green Packet
  2. Extending your feelings (green)
  3. Mazlow's Hierarchy of Needs (yellow)
  4. Stigma paper (blue)
  5. Resiliency Test (blue)
Not stapled but turn in Personality Code Test

Gratitude assignment: 5 journal entries per day for 15 days.
Article you chose connecting gratitude to good health
2 page typed paper 12 point font telling me what you think about article and how it relates to your personal experience over past month being more grateful.

Monday, February 6, 2017

español dos el 3 de enero

we took Verb quiz 1B from the Level 2 verb list.
I asked you to all take the teacher survey. If you couldn't do it at school please take some time to do it now. Click on Teacher survey link.

Homework is the rest of the New Commands packet

Health february 6, 2017

Stress Management
Fill in your notes in your Mental Health Packet
Do this Meditation Exercise

Your Mental Health Test will be on Friday
Your gratitude paper is due on Friday
you got the rubric today.

experience one of these meditation exercises
5 best guided meditation on youtube

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Health February 2, 2017

We heard from Mr. Sears today about Stress, Next time we will follow up with our class notes filling in the blanks.

Keep working on your gratitude journal.

español tres el primer de febrero

We continue in our commands packet. I have assigned two more pages which takes us to page 13? I think.
Verb Quiz #1 on Level 2 Verbs tomorrow plus a little quiz on commands.

abrazar 2 to hug
acabar de 2 to have just done
acercar(se) 2 to get closer
acompañar 2 to accompany
alquilar 2 to rent
amar 2 to love
animar 2 to cheer
arreglar(se) 2 to fix, arrange
bajar 2 to lower, go down
caer(se) 2 to fall

español dos el primer dia de febrero

Today we talked more about commands
We also played quizlet live L2U3 La Comida
I gave a new Command Packet and assigned just the front side of the first page
We will be having the first quiz on Level 2 verbs on Friday.