Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Español dos el 3 de enero

Today was the first day of term 3!!
Those who signed up for the first bienvenidas did them.
Remember that we are doing one thing differently: the three sentences are now in the past.You must tell me when like: el año pasado, ayer etc and use three different verbs!
IT's 30 points to go to the Spanish lab this week.

We will have a Reflexive Assessment on Thursday! Remember you will need to have
:Body Vocab
Bright Colored packet
to use.
Don't ask for them on Thursday!!
We will end unit 2 and start unit 3 next week.

NO VERB QUIZ this week!!
But #8 will be next Friday!!!

I gave out 2 blue papers I gave a stamp for one last time and you will get the stamp for the other on your new calendars on Thursday!!

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